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Closing; redux to open in real time October. [
September 1st, 2009 @ 1:31pm

There are a lot of reasons why this incarnation of Jus in Bello isn't working out. We tried our best to fix it up for the August 26th reopening, but there were just too many problems, and not enough time. Before you read any further, you should know that Kelly, Sunny, and I are making a spanking new RPG, without JiB's baggage, to be opened at the end of October. We will be beginning, as previously attempted, shortly before the masquerade, which will happen. All of you are invited to come to the new RPG once applications open; we're taking a month to make some truly fantastic and informative directories that will make the AU nature of the game explicit and understandable. Around the end of September, we'll begin advertising the new RPG (tentatively called Revelations), and accepting applications. This is going to be a big fucking deal. It is going to be everything Jus in Bello never could be. And we'd like you guys to join us.

A short list of why things didn't work out, and how taking the time to craft a new RPG will help everyone in the long run. )

This is all from the heart. I've modded two games before, one of which lasted for over four years. I'm currently a part of two very successful and well-modded RPGs, and this decision has come after a lot of talking with experienced RPers who've looked at this game and want it to succeed, but don't think its chances are good as it is. Please note that we really want everyone here to apply at the new RPG. If you'd like to be updated on its progress and informed when it's ready to accept new applications, then please, PM me at [info]bilo, or this account, or e-mail me at greasyphotoman@gmail.com, or IM me at knocksalicious. Samantha and Mikaela, we especially want you two to keep in touch, because you've been so active and dedicated to this RPG. We want you guys to be a part of the new one.

Cheers, I hope all of you keep in touch, and for those of you who don't: it was a pleasure having you,
Igpy & your mod trio.

September 1st, 2009 @ 12:59pm

Ok guys, I posted the Halloween masquerade (a day late, but yesterday was my first day of grad school so please forgive me!). Now, about how to work this, I figured it would be easiest if everyone sort of followed my lead by posting your own comments to the thread with the time and location of the subthread. Does that make sense? That way it can be organized and we're not wading through comments to try and tag each other.

So, go have fun! Igpy, Victoire is waiting patiently for Els. ;)

August 26th, 2009 @ 7:24am

Hey! I'm itching for some activity. How do you guys feel about having this one thread where EVERYONE can get together and socialize? So our different characters have a chance to .. talk and get to know each other a little bit better.


August 26th, 2009 @ 12:52am

[ mood | pleased ]

Your game is back. Play away and prepare for the Hallowe'en masque; we're nearly done completely retooling everything, and will resume advertising shortly. In the meanwhile, have a look around at the new directories.


August 24th, 2009 @ 8:21pm

So the shit hit the fan a few days back, and I've been waiting to see if it would clear up before JiB got back together, but the stinking mess of poo (otherwise known as House Construction!) is still around. I have about a hundred tasks to do in between a whole host of people waltzing in and out of the house. Not to mention watching the silver (actually it's watching the fossils and the foo dogs? Those are really the only expensive things we have out.)

The good news is I'm up for a promotion at work? The bad news is that's the final cut into my free time. Alack and alas, I bid thee adieu. Victoire, I'm sorry to be leaving you, I suppose now you will will have to pick on someone your own size. Love you all, but it's exit, stage right!


rami! [
August 22nd, 2009 @ 10:51am

Hello, world! This is Kelly with character number deux, Rami Gupta. I know--DIVERSITY, RIGHT? Rami is a silly, outgoing Ravenclaw sixth year. He is the class clown, and clown enough for seventh and fifth years at that. He's a Beater on the Quidditch team, and your characters have inevitably heard his weird music--Rami likes using nail clippers and drinking glasses as instruments as often as not. He's something of a mad scientist and is always inventing something or other. Your characters have also inevitably seen him in very embarrassing situations--naked covered in blue paint, naked and suspended from a tree branch with Kiki Diggle's suspenders... Really, a lot of places naked. Rami isn't embarrassed that everyone's seen his junk. He just thinks it's funny. He is against the Dark Arts and WRITES IN ALL CAPS. Rami's excessively friendly, so odds are he has at least attempted to interact with your character at one point or another. More here.

Rami likes everyone! Be friends/enemies/acquaintances/that one girl he kissed in the third year when he used too much tongue!



Kiki Diggle. [
August 22nd, 2009 @ 1:44am

Greetings, all! This is Igpy with my second character, Kiki, lesser known as Psyche Diggle. The great-granddaughter of Dedalus Diggle, and raised mostly in Camden Town (and thus surrounded by Muggles), Kiki is a sixth year Gryffindor and one of her team's Chasers, along with a somewhat fanatic member of the Headmistress' Committee. Anti-Dark Arts to the point of brawling with people with openly different opinions from hers, Kiki is a legend and a nuisance. Your character probably knows her. There is a very good chance they find her exasperating, or worse. On the other hand, she's actually a decent person once she's decided she likes you, and is a true and loyal friend to those who keep her attention.

Plot, friends, enemies, et cetera, joy?



Give Me Danger, Little Stranger, and I'll Heal Your Disease [
August 20th, 2009 @ 8:05pm

Hey, guys! I'm Anna. I'm a twenty-year-old junior at... well, sort of three universities right now. I'm a student at Northwestern University, but currently I'm at the University of Catania in Italy, and Duke University. Don't worry about it. I'm a classics major, it's some study abroad program. I don't even know. In any case, the things I like include pretentious indie music, literature of all kinds (but especially English regency novels and post-modernism), Star Trek (especially if Spock is involved) and Doctor Who. I also like Vodka. I had some before I wrote this, but look how well I am typing! Brava!

And this is my first character, Matthew Ingram, the seventh year Gryffindor!

If there's one thing you need to know about Matthew, it's that he is more than likely a pathological liar. He rarely stops talking, and if he's talking, he's almost always lying. He likes to tell people things like, that his mother was a Russian gymnast in the 2004 Olympics, or that his sister is a French Prostitute, or that his hair is naturally blue, or that he got a black eye because he faked a seizure while he was being robbed by a motorcycle gang. He's told people his middle name was "Danger" for so long that he finally had his middle name legally changed to "Danger" when he turned 17. He's damn good looking, but in a very manfully unconcerned, effortless sort of way - he's tall, thin, freckly, and very tattooed, and he has a septum piercing. It bothers him tremendously that he can't wear them to class, so he breaks the dress code in numerous small ways, instead. He's a muggleborn whose dad was a rock-n-roll bassist, and he plans on doing the same thing with HIS life, unless he ends up becoming a writer or an auror, since he's pretty creative and good with Defense. He doesn't talk about his ambitions, though, in case he ends up becoming a pen salesman, so he can wink at you and raise his eyebrows in an "I'm not REALLY a pen salesman, that's just what the CIA made me tell you" sort of way. He's currently the lead singer and bass guitarist for the band, "Puffskeins Ate My Baby," but things are kind of going downhill with Puffskeins, and he's on the watch for a new project. He doesn't really care what you think of him.

He's neutral, but leans towards Pro-Dark Arts.

He responds to Matt, Matthew, Ingram, and Danger.

It'd be great if he had some good friends, maybe a few of whom who can even see through his bullshit, maybe one who doesn't like to talk much, but I'll take what I can get. Past relationships? Friends? Enemies? Crushes? Let me know!



August 17th, 2009 @ 11:06am

Hey, folks, I'm Kelly. I'll be joining you both as the third mod and as Molly Weasley! I'm really excited about this rpg, and can't wait to start playing. I'm having a good time designing ads and whatnot, and thinking up fun ideas for the timeline. I can be reached on aim as shesupintrees and my cdj is [info]kaelly, please friend me!

As for Molly, she's definitely an oddball, a big nerd and rather difficult. She's a Gryffindor, a prefect and a lover of bizarre facts. Molly is very much against the Dark Arts, though she isn't a joiner so she's not part of the Headmistress' Regulations Committee. She's a nice enough girl when it comes down to it and will like many people, though she gravitates more towards the underdogs and weirdos of Hogwarts. More about her here! I'd love to build up some backstory, especially with her cousins and yearmates.


August 14th, 2009 @ 8:21pm

Hey guys, it's Lee. Because of personal issues I have to step down as mod. I will still be here as Gene for as long as I can! Thankfully, this frees up a great deal of my time to put into playing him.

I'll be around.

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